Monday, May 7, 2012

Some Stuff I've Made

I feel bad about my lack of posts lately. I've been in the Rapid-Fire Crafting phase of wedding planning for over a month now, and that leaves little time to blog. Instead of writing a bunch of short posts showing you each little thing I've made, I decided to lump them all together. I don't need to write tutorials for these since they're all either self-explanatory or based on someone else's tutorial. So without further ado, here' what I've been up to lately!

I made these white board signs as photobooth props based on Ms. Ferris Wheel's tutorial. Note to self: use black markers at the wedding!

Remember those Martha flowers I was working on with my maid of honor back in the day? They're doooooone! I chose to make my bouquet all white/cream, and the bridesmaids will have white and 2 shades of yellow.
I didn't know my face would be in this photo.

Since floral wire is considerably thinner than real flower stems, I thickened up the stem part by inserting the bouquet into some foam tubing I found at Home Depot (according to the men in my life, it's used to cover pipes), and I wrapped it with ribbon, securing it with sewing straight pins.

I got this idea from Kara's Party Ideas, and it was very simple to recreate. The candlesticks are all from Dollar Tree.

I threw a paper flower making party with some family members (and future family member!) to help make my centerpieces. There was sangria, hummus, guacamole, and glue guns (all my favorite things!). I have them all hanging up now to avoid getting smashed, and my dad is just loving our new home decor:

But eventually they'll look like this (only better):

I really wanted "bride" and "groom" chair back signs, but no one is going to see the backs of our chairs since they'll be against the wall. So I decided to make these to put at our places on the table instead. To be honest, this is a complete craft fail, but I'm too far into Rapid-Fire Crafting phase to give a damn, so I'm keeping them. (And no, they're not dirty. They're covered in glitter. But yes, they look dirty, and slanted.)

I was enamored with all the amazing fringiness coming from Confetti System, so I decided to DIY some of these pom pom thingies. There's a tutorial and a waaaay better picture on The Sweetest Occasion.

My dad asked if these, too, would be hanging until the end of June. Poor soul.

I took a million photos in hopes that at least one would capture the friggin majesty of these tassels.

Mr. Unicycle requested that the boutonnieres be lilies, so I obliged. These were MUCH easier to make than the bridesmaid flowers, so thanks, Mr. Unicycle. This tutorial is also from Martha.

Since part of my gift to my bridesmaids is going to be manicures the day before the wedding, I wanted to hype it up by making little invitations for them. I just sat down with some craft supplies and got to work. It was fun making something without using a tutorial for once. (And before you kill me, I know the dark pink card has the wrong "you're" on it, but the e fell off!)

See, it's back!

I may have also used a J instead of an I in this one...

A while back I spent the afternoon sewing together strips of paper (scraps from the invitations!), circles from paint chips (yes, I robbed a home improvement store) and paper hearts (thanks, Cricut!). Again, I took a million pictures in hopes of capturing the majesty. I'm not sure what I'm actually doing with all this on the wedding day, but right now it's just taped up together with painter's tape, and it looks...awesome.

 And finally, I made this thank you sign... the Unicycles can get a pic like this to use in our thank you notes:

So, that's what I've been up to lately. Did anyone else get caught in the Rapid-Fire Crafting phase? What did you make during crunch time?

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