Friday, February 3, 2012

The Dolla Dance

The Dollar Dance aka Money Dance is a tradition that some people love, some people hate, and some people have never heard of. It's when the bride and groom prostitute themselves as dance partners to their guests in exchange for dollars.

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I wasn't sure which pics would go with this post, so I just chose a bunch of the Unicycles dancing!

You're supposed to pay a dollar to dance with the bride or groom for a small amount of time, and the best man and maid of honor collect the money and let guests know when it's their turn and when their turn is up. The tradition originated in Poland according to Wikipedia, and the money is supposed to go toward the couple's honeymoon. Neither of us is even a little Polish, but I still find this tradition intriguing.

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When I first proposed the idea to Mr. Unicycle, he thought it sounded tacky. It does seem a little off-color to ask our guests for money in exchange for dancing with us. But I also thought it sounded like a nice way to dance with guests who we otherwise probably wouldn't dance with.

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I'm worried that I will spend a lot of time with a few people at my reception, and the other people will feel neglected. This tradition will be a good way to spend more time with all of our guests. Mrs. Lioness's post on her dollar dance convinced me that this was one tradition I did want to steal.

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Right now we're not 100% sure what we'll do. Is there a way to make this less tacky? I considered not charging people a dollar, but it seems kind of strange to have people line up to dance with us without asking for a dollar, since I'm sure most of our guests are familiar with the idea of the dollar dance, and would expect to spend a dollar.

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I also considered donating the money we earn to a worthy cause, but is that appropriate for a wedding? Plus, a wedding guest pointed out that people love to shower a bride and groom with gifts, and thus would love to give us dollars instead of donating to a charity. And, tacky as it may sound, I could certainly use a few extra dollaz in my wallet.

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What do you think, hive? Dolla Dance: yay or nay?

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