Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I'm a Slave... my to do list! (Sing the title of this post to the tune of that little ditty by Britney Spears. You know the one.)

I mentioned earlier that I've rediscovered my dependency on checklists. I blame The Knot for rekindling my love affair via their comprehensive checklist tool, featuring over 160 things to do. Which is conveniently located next to the huge, glaring countdown to my wedding day, which to me reads more like "You only have 143 days to get all this shit done, fool! I will own you!"

Screenshot via The Knot
How is it even possible that I've only completed one third of my tasks? How??

My to-do timeline is simultaneously the bane of my existence and the only thing keeping me sane. I log into my Wedding 2012! Google doc several times daily to make sure I haven't forgotten to check something off. I started breaking large tasks up into several smaller tasks so I can check more things off. I've added a veritable rainbow of colors to my timeline color-coding system (which used to be merely "yellow=done"). I now have a color for tasks that are done, tasks that are undone, tasks that are partly done, tasks that are assigned to someone else, and tasks that are scheduled to be completed on a certain date (such as our tasting).

This is what it looked like a few weeks ago. It's a lot more colorful and confusing now.

My "git 'er done" tude has not gone unnoticed. Mr. Unicycle has had it up to here (pretend I'm raising my hand like 6 feet in the air) with me insinuating that this wedding is more important than, say, passing med school. My parents are all "Really? Still talking about that wedding?" Other acquaintances have literally said "Wow...I never realized...weddings were this...involved..."

Image via Wikipedia
Retro side-eye. That's how I look at people who come between me and my damn timeline!

And I have no wonderful conclusion to this post wherein I list the ways I'm overcoming this problem. I am literally just driving myself crazy dreaming of checklists, waiting for the wedding to be over so I don't have to do so much stuff all the time anymore.

How have you guys dealt with to do list stress?

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