Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

A look back on Halloweens of the past:

All personal pics
2007: Amy Winehouse and a half-assed lumberjack.

2008: Holly Golightly and a lumberjack.

We missed 2010. C was studying so I stayed in Chicago and went as Flo the Progressive girl. My largest regret in life is not getting any pictures of that costume. I'm sure C dressed as a lumberjack while he was in the library studying.
2011: Black Swan and yet another lumberjack.

Here's a better shot of the Black Swan costume, since I'm quite fond of it:
As you can see, we tend to not put too much thought into our costumes, C especially. But what have I learned from this trip down memory lane? I am damn lucky to be marrying someone who looks so hot as a lumberjack!

What were you for Halloween this year?

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